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Human beings will be happier - not when they cure cancer or get to Mars or eliminate racial prejudice or flush Lake Erie but when they find ways to inhabit primitive communities again. That's my utopia.
~Kurt Vonnegut
Friday, December 02, 2005

Little Boy Hero

Read how George W. Bush became captive to the fictional story he created for himself.
I wonder what might happen if Paul Newman were to talk to him now and explain to him, 'it was only a movie'.
As I listened to excerpts of his speech all I could think was "grow up!"
Rev. Bill McGinnis writes so well what I heard as I listened too.

This is the idea, the story they are trying to live out:

"There are some really bad people - evil beyond hope - who hate us because we are good. And they want to hurt us any way they can, even with nuclear weapons and chemicals and cutting off our heads with a knife. They are so bad, they cannot possibly be changed; and they cannot be dealt with, because they refuse to obey any civilized rules. So we must kill them all in order to protect ourselves. We cannot stop killing them until they are about 95% completely destroyed. Then we can stop killing them ourselves, and turn the job over to the Local People, who will be well-enough trained by then to finish up. We are encountering some problems, but if we are strong, and stay the course, we can overcome all difficulties. Eventually, victory will be ours, and the world will be saved from these evil people. And then, at last, the Local People will be tossing flowers and dancing in the streets. 'Free at Last! Free at last! Hallelujah, we're free at last!' they will sing. And we will all live happily ever after, with Democracy, and American flags, and freedom to worship (or not) as we choose, and unregulated free-trade Capitalism, and private investment, and excellent profits, and privatization of everything,, and retirement savings accounts, and education for everyone, and security for Israel, and reconstruction contracts, and freedom for women, and lots of oil forever." [ read it all ]
posted by Cyndy | link | | |


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