mousemusings...multimedia, music, progressive politics, video, web design and general rants
Human beings will be happier - not when they cure cancer or get to Mars or eliminate racial prejudice or flush Lake Erie but when they find ways to inhabit primitive communities again. That's my utopia.
~Kurt Vonnegut
Saturday, February 12, 2005

Something for Sunday

I've been a little sidetracked lately and if the sun stays out I expect to be sidetracked a little longer but I saved a few good reads to pass along:

Ran Prieur: So I've been staying at Twin Oaks, a community in rural Virginia. They have about 100 people on about 350 acres, and (like me) they've been here since 1967, so they've had some time to try stuff and find out what works. Their structure is pretty good -- they have clear written policies on everything, but without the kind of uptight rules one would cynically expect at an intentional community. It's like staying at a good group house that's really a bunch of houses in the woods, and produces its own organic beef and dairy and vegetables, and unschools its kids, and treats its own sewage, and generates enough income that no one has to have a job outside it.

Since Twin Oaks doesn't quite fit with Ran, maybe he can get some more ideas here: Utopia On The Internet where there are links to quite a few communities.

Seattle Weekly
Interviews Pagan Moss. (links in article below, NSFW, are also always on my blogroll)

Pagan Moss isn't the real name of the small, striking woman sitting in front of me, but it's the name she's become infamous for. A 31-year-old Seattle native, Moss made the abrupt switch in her mid-20s from filing insurance claims to sex work, when she began dancing at the Lusty Lady downtown and contributing to Sensual Liberation Army ( Two years later, Moss moved jobs a few blocks north to Fantasy Unlimited and began Peep Show Stories (, on which she blogs frank, often funny dispatches about her work and life, as well as photos and links to other online erotica. [ read the interview ]
via easy bake coven

Future Hi is on a roll lately with new audio, great links and info about a new zine in the works.

Mr. Doobie cartoons

Science and Politics hosts Carnival of the Godless

Flying Talking Donkey always has fresh links that interest me.

Bruce Eisner has Gysin, Krassner, Grob, a post featuring a play called "Really Leary" and links to some great software and new technology. Scroll through the entire page. You may be spending quite a bit of time there.

Ann Arbor Community Car Coop

and from Mark Dilley, something I may be using soon and probably need to talk with him about, Troublemaker's Handbook 2

Got craving? Take part in pot research
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