mousemusings...multimedia, music, progressive politics, video, web design and general rants
Human beings will be happier - not when they cure cancer or get to Mars or eliminate racial prejudice or flush Lake Erie but when they find ways to inhabit primitive communities again. That's my utopia.
~Kurt Vonnegut
Wednesday, May 19, 2004

How Does Cowboy Bush Ride Into the Sunset?

American Leftist points to a piece by USA Today founder Al Neuharth:Should cowboy Bush ride into the sunset?
A first for a major newspaper opposing Iraq policies and the Bush bid for re-selection. "he believes he can be re-elected as a tough-talking, self-proclaimed "War President."
Now, I'm not one to believe that Bush would be so noble as to ride off on his own into the sunset, but I do think that the drumbeat toward prosecution of war crimes will continue to get stronger.

Reminder of the Crimes of War Project
"under international law, responsibility for these actions may go further than coalition leaders would like to admit.

Under the principle of command responsibility, officers are liable for crimes committed by soldiers under them if they knew or should have known that they were taking place and did nothing to stop them. According to the internal U.S. Army report on Abu Ghraib, leaked to the New Yorker, the criminal abuses at the prison were “blatant and wanton”, suggesting that little attempt was made to hide what was happening."

Under principle of command responsibility, this would mean our "Commander in Chief", he, who is so quick to don his military garb for photo ops and declarations of 'Mission Accomplished'. This is our War President, mightier than thou who feigns stupidity when it's convienient and invokes his fundamental god when it earns him votes. Riding into the sunset shouldn't be an option even if he were inclined to saddle up. How will this play out in history?
Repetition has been effective (Iraq-9-11) for his objectives.
It's time for repetition on another level:
War Crimes
War Crimes Act of 1996
Amnesty demands US 'war crimes' inquiry
Gulf War crimes?
US demands total impunity on war crimes
U.S. Seeks Exemption from War Crimes Court
People have the Power.
posted by Cyndy | link | | |


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