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Human beings will be happier - not when they cure cancer or get to Mars or eliminate racial prejudice or flush Lake Erie but when they find ways to inhabit primitive communities again. That's my utopia.
~Kurt Vonnegut
Sunday, February 01, 2004

Who Was the Liar?

On February 25th of last year in the Washington Post, Richard Cohen wrote this article:
Antiwar And Illogical.
Richard Perle had just called Dennis Kucinich a liar on Meet the Press which said in part:
" "Liar" is a word rarely used in Washington. This is not because the town lacks liars but because the word is so unambiguous -- so lacking in customary fudge -- that its use was long ago forbidden by, of course, consensus. So it was particularly shocking, not to mention refreshing, to hear Richard Perle on Sunday call Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio) a liar to his face. I paused to see if the Washington Monument would crack down the middle.

It did not. Moreover, Kucinich himself seemed only momentarily fazed by Perle's sharp right to his integrity and went on, indomitable demagogue that he seems to be, to maintain that the coming war with Iraq will be fought to control that nation's oil. Kucinich, a presidential candidate, has made this charge before, and when Tim Russert asked him on "Meet the Press" to back it up, here is what he said:

"I base that on the fact that there is $5 trillion worth of oil above and in the ground in Iraq, that individuals involved in the administration have been involved in the oil industry, that the oil industry would certainly benefit from having the administration control Iraq, and that the fact is that, since no other case has been made to go to war against Iraq, . . . oil represents the strongest incentive."

The article only gets uglier from here.

On March 25, 2003 Scott Ritter was interviewed (audio-video here) where he said in part:
" This is a bad war, because it has nothing to do with the defense of the United States of America. Iraq doesn't have weapons of mass destruction. The Bush Administration has pulled an enormous lie to the international community; to the American people. " also see The Coming October War in Iraq

Both of these men faced quite a wrath, but both are vindicated as we've seen the ugly truth exposed. David Kay said "We were all wrong". Perhaps it's time to acknowledge Dennis Kucinich and Scott Ritter were right. For more information, a summary, links and timeline in html format, I have converted Kucinich was Right and placed it here. If you'd like a .pdf or word doc you can find it on Dennis Kucinich's official web page

I think its past time we restored integrity to the White House. I can think of no one better to be there than the one who stood up unafraid and spoke his mind after reviewing the facts.
posted by Cyndy | link | | |


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