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Human beings will be happier - not when they cure cancer or get to Mars or eliminate racial prejudice or flush Lake Erie but when they find ways to inhabit primitive communities again. That's my utopia.
~Kurt Vonnegut
Sunday, February 22, 2004

Feeling the Pain

You Really Do Feel Their Pain
If someone close to you is hurting, your brain hurts too.
This was a tough week for me. My brain hurts as I see pain all around me. Others see it too and are trying to help:
Friends bolster former film festival chief during tough times.
Garage sale will help Vicki Honeyman with bills that mount as she copes with cancer.

Other fundraisers are in the works, including an open house at Heavenly Metal on March 21, the first day of the Ann Arbor Film Festival, which Honeyman led for years.

Unfortunately, Vicki's is an isolated gathering of help. She is well known and loved in the community, which has to beg the question of more reclusive introverted people. How are they managing? I can only guess that they aren't. 18,000 people a year die because they have no money for medical care. Far too many rely on emergency rooms for health problems that could have been treated earlier and at far less cost. It's time. We can do this! We can't allow lack of medical care to continue as a form of Social Darwinism.
see also Myths & Facts About Single-Payer Universal Health Care
Profit in health care only leads to irresponsible actions like this: Pfizer cuts off supplies to Canadian mail-order companies and also angers Pharmacia retirees with benefits cut.
Pfizer has a R&D located in Ann Arbor I'm ashamed to say. I urge you to familiarize yourself with the drugs they provide and find suitable alternatives. Tell your physician to boycott the bastards.

Another issue that hit this week was one of pain relief, an overreaction to the Rush drama no doubt. He wasn't responsible for his actions so sez he. An addict will find ways to get their drugs. A person in pain doesn't need to leap through more obstacles to find relief. My mom, for example, can't go to the doctor everytime she needs to refill her Darvocet and she can't be walking into pharmacies to fill them, however,
the DEA tells patients to Shut Up and Suffer Can we stop over-reacting and simply act?
posted by Cyndy | link | | |


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