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Human beings will be happier - not when they cure cancer or get to Mars or eliminate racial prejudice or flush Lake Erie but when they find ways to inhabit primitive communities again. That's my utopia.
~Kurt Vonnegut
Wednesday, October 22, 2003

Send your advice to Michael Moore

Michael Moore has decided to spend the money from his tax cut on getting the Republicans out of office, and he wants your help determining where to send his contributions.
George W. Bush went out of his way to give guys like me a big whopping tax cut this year. Words cannot express my gratitude-but money can!

That's why I'm spending my entire tax cut on getting rid of George W. Bush!

I will be giving the maximum legal amount to the candidate who has the best chance of defeating him (except Joe Lieberman. I won't give a dime to any Bushie pretending to be a Democrat).

I also want to support the candidates in your congressional districts who have the best chance of tossing out the Republicans.

Send me your candidate suggestions and the names of any groups who are working toward the kind of change we all seek. I will choose the recipients of Mike's Tax Cut and send them a check. I will also post their names on my website in case you want to send them a check, too.

Thanks for the tax cut, Mr. Bush! I hope it allows you to spend a long and well-deserved vacation at the ranch in Crawford. [ Go Dennis! ]

Michael Moore at the Greek:
Moore insisted that he himself is “not in the anyone-but-Bush camp.” While he is not yet endorsing anyone, he does “agree 100 percent with everything [U.S. Rep.] Dennis Kucinich stands for” -- with one caveat.

While you're on a writing binge it seems as though one of the liberal press (NPR) Cokie Roberts today reported on the presidential race without mentioning Dennis and Larry Abramson reported on the "Patriot Act" without mentioning Dennis either. Let's send a note to the editor right now to let them know that we care about accurate reporting, especially from reputable sources like NPR.
posted by Cyndy | link | | |


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