mousemusings...multimedia, music, progressive politics, video, web design and general rants
Human beings will be happier - not when they cure cancer or get to Mars or eliminate racial prejudice or flush Lake Erie but when they find ways to inhabit primitive communities again. That's my utopia.
~Kurt Vonnegut
Saturday, June 07, 2003

Wishes, Wants and Wellness

My trip to New Mexico was, all in all, quite nice. My mother is recovering quite steadily. Getting the quirks worked out with pain meds was the tough part. Her pathology report was good, but that type of surgery is rough on a 78 year old body. She said if she had known how bad it would be she wouldn't have done it. She really didn't have much choice.

I had a chance to get in some good reads, a good bit of George Lakoff's Moral Politics, watched CNN which I can't do at home, and was delighted to see Aaron Brown interview Dennis Kucinich, who, by the way, is impressing me more and more as the days go by. I have many thoughts that I will try to share over the next couple days, including my impression of my hometown newspaper which was bought by Gannett. (ugly thoughts) I soaked in the beautiful sunshine and mid-90 degree temps! I know what my body thrives on!! I ate a years supply of green chile, yum! and visited the best regional used bookstore Coas My Bookstore where I found an amazing bargain on Sinclair Lewis's It Can't Happen Here.

I want to thank everyone for all the wishes and good vibes. I'm hoping I didn't use them up because I'm asking for more. While I was away, I knew my Dear Friend Craig, had an appointment with an ENT, due to some problems with his voice. I wanted to think it was allergies, but, having had a diagnosis of esophageal cancer and the harrowing treatment that follows 2 years ago, he couldn't ignore it. The news wasn't good. It is a recurrence. Please keep him in your thoughts and wish him well.

I have many of his songs and videos linked on my page (multimedia, videos, mp3 and rm files) He has many of the same and more, plus lyrics, linked on his homelandabsurdity page and will update as he feels on his blog Cat's Blog

Craig was writing a new song when his voice started breaking. The lyrics and link to the recording are below. I'm a Tom Waits and Leonard Cohen fan...The rugged voice has character don'cha think?

Rainbow's End

walking down those endless roads
changing direction on a whim
i've walked right across the water
not knowing how to swim

i've seen apparitions dance
down at the rainbows end
i've woken up, drank from the cup
and watched the colors blend

I know you saw the movie
You say you've read the book
I know you've seen right through me
without a second look
thats all it took

posted by Cyndy | link | | |


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