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Human beings will be happier - not when they cure cancer or get to Mars or eliminate racial prejudice or flush Lake Erie but when they find ways to inhabit primitive communities again. That's my utopia.
~Kurt Vonnegut
Wednesday, June 11, 2003

I Am Pissed!

I don't get pissed off very often. I am pissed off at George Bush and Co because they are, plain and simple; bullies!
Bullies do anything, including lying, to obtain what they deem to be power and influence.

Those who can, do
Those who can't, bully

Serial Bully Types:

Lisa English of RuminateThis is the latest victim of bullying by the very same blogger I alluded to yesterday in my post Enough Already!
Most people who come to this page know how highly I regard Lisa. They also know, if they've read her page, that she is not, as indicated in this bloggers words, 'The racist liberal: Lisa English.' Lisa was also attempting to say 'Enough Already' in reference to the bullying of Wampum, Natasha, and numerous others who've been bullied by this particular blogger. Lisa is now feeling the repercussions that Wampum talked about. I wonder if the blogger will put up a hate blog for Lisa too as she did with her Natasha Watch? (Oh...yes..she did make the hate blog private after it was linked to her page for a day. She said the link was given out without her permission. I saw it on her page myself and read what she was spewing.)

Don't we have enough to deal with regarding the idiots in office? We can't stand by and continue to feed this blogger's ego trip. I feel like my community has been invaded by a power hungry Bushie. I'm asking to stop the links, stop the encouragement, stop sending any emails attempting to reprimand her. We have to learn how to deal with bullies and perhaps we will learn how to get Bush out of office in the process!

If you are compelled to read the venom written in the past month or so, you can copy this link and have-at-it! I warn you, it's ugly.

Like I said, I'm pissed! I think I might have been better off had I just read Cowboy Kahlil's page today and stayed tuned for part 2 of what promises to be quite enlightening and somehow related to this madness!
posted by Cyndy | link | | |


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