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Human beings will be happier - not when they cure cancer or get to Mars or eliminate racial prejudice or flush Lake Erie but when they find ways to inhabit primitive communities again. That's my utopia.
~Kurt Vonnegut
Wednesday, June 18, 2003

Fear, Rhetoric, Arrogance

Lorelei of From the Inside Looking Out is examining Bush's popularity. She points out some very valid inconsistencies in the thinking of the average American and promises to continue along that line of thought.

"How can one explain why a group of individuals who will riot at sporting events if there is a suspicion of foul play, be perfectly okay with the inconsistencies in the Bush saga?"
...And the majority continue to approve of the "job Bush has done against terrorism," when terrorism has not gone anywhere, except maybe into planning.

Tish has written an op-ed and it's published here. She's examining attitudes also.

"We need public policy makers who don't accept the rhetoric of the medical and diet industries, both of which are vested in selling diet drugs, risky surgeries, and weight-loss programs."

Daintily Dirty is ranting too. An insightful proactive rant.

"Our media is doing a great disservice to this country by continuing to play cheerleader for Bush and Co. It is an outrage that Bush lied. We should be marching by the millions to the steps of the White House and demanding answers. We, the people of this Nation, better wake up while we still can. Our arrogance and discounting the importance of the rest of the world will come back to haunt us once again.

These three women are obviously not 'the average American'. All demonstrate an immunity to the fear and rhetoric we are fed and lack the arrogance American's are becoming known for. I'd like to think the polls are rhetoric. I'd like to think the average American sees what is going on and is as disgusted by it as these women are. I do think that, with passion and boldness in voices such as theirs, the average American may be outraged soon.
posted by Cyndy | link | | |


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