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Human beings will be happier - not when they cure cancer or get to Mars or eliminate racial prejudice or flush Lake Erie but when they find ways to inhabit primitive communities again. That's my utopia.
~Kurt Vonnegut
Wednesday, April 23, 2003

A Dark Horse Fights the Odds Again

Yes, I know he doesn't have the name recognition, but don't write him off. Keep checking him out! Dennis Kucinich has drive, influence, a voice and good ideas. His webpage only lacks a weblog! More about him here. Follows is an excerpt from NY Times:
"I'm used to fighting for lost causes," he said in an interview. "I am used to doing things that other people say are impossible. I have learned throughout my whole life that you can turn it around."

Mr. Kucinich, known to some colleagues as Dennis the Menace for his energetic doggedness and somewhat impish looks, is co-chairman of the Progressive Caucus, which represents the left-most reaches of the House Democratic membership. He is a champion of universal health care, wants to return the retirement age for full Social Security benefits to 65 and would repeal the North American Free Trade Agreement, which he says has sapped the nation of millions of jobs.

Some who know him say his chief reason for running is to cement a role as national leader of the left. But he insists that he is serious about being president, and says the driving force behind his candidacy is his outrage at the war against Iraq and the prospect of future wars he fears President Bush will wage.

"The administration's illegal attack on Iraq is not just about Iraq," he said. "It is about Iran, it is about North Korea, it is about Libya, perhaps it is about Syria."

Mr. Kucinich credits himself for helping inspire a majority of House Democrats, 126, to vote last fall against the resolution authorizing Mr. Bush to use force in Iraq. Unlike many of his colleagues, he continued to voice opposition once the conflict began. "It is not logical to say you oppose the war and once the war started, you support it," he said.

He is also re-emphasizing his argument that the nation's military buildup, coupled with the president's push for tax cuts, is draining money that could be used for critical domestic programs. And this month he reintroduced his proposal to create a cabinet-level Department of Peace more
posted by Cyndy | link | | |


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