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Human beings will be happier - not when they cure cancer or get to Mars or eliminate racial prejudice or flush Lake Erie but when they find ways to inhabit primitive communities again. That's my utopia.
~Kurt Vonnegut
Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Workplace Priorities

"Was Santa good to you?"
"What did you get for Christmas?"
If one more person asks me either of those questions, I may reply rather rudely.
I usually reply with "I don't do Christmas" which always brings on a host of other questions I don't feel like answering. As adults, are we seriously so selfish that we would continue to believe that Christmas is still all about 'getting'?
No one ever asks "What did you give for Christmas?".
One year, a co-worker, who has since left his earthly body behind, asked what I got for Christmas and I answered, 'nothing'. It so bothered him, that the next day he brought a gift of earrings in for me. I thought it was very sweet of him but it did bother me to think that our culture places our personal worth to be what we 'got' for Christmas as if we were children who didn't behave ourselves throughout the year. I know that one particular co-worker saw me as a child, and I would never have begrudged him the sense of duty he felt, however, when a person who is closer to my age asks me what I got, I bristle. Especially when they know enough about me to know that I long ago brushed aside the ritual.

Regardless of the above feelings, I would never ask anyone what they got for Christmas mainly because it is insensitive. I grew up around poor kids who didn't have dinner for Christmas, not to mention gifts. They are rude questions.

I only bristle a little when a co-worker asks, "How was your Christmas?" knowing damn well I worked. I usually grumble and say, "I worked", really wanting to add the words, "So you didn't have to". It would go right over their heads anyway, because by that time they are so busy telling me what they 'got' for Christmas, that I just don't bother. Yep, I'm grouchy and sometimes it gets really cold watching from the outside window, looking in.
posted by Cyndy | link | | |


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