Gone Hiking

I'm planning to go wiggle my toes in some hot, white sand, and drink chai with red chile honey. I'm sure my internet access will be quite limited. If Andy feels like posting he knows he can. If he doesn't, he doesn't, and that's ok too. I may or may not drop in. I may or may not
I'll leave you with a few links to some alternative building techniques. I would hope they wouldn't be quite so labor intensive as to leave a person looking like the guy in the photo, however, the resulting architecture could indeed be similar.
I still fancy a yurt myself at this point, but I'm still interested in alternatives and both of these are sustainable, quite durable, and not expensive. Add some solar panels along with other
DIY solar projects, a
wood fired hot tub, a running creek and sand for my toes, and, I'll weather anything.
Industrial hemp is the key component to
sustainable housing.
Also read,
Sustainable Housing on Indian Reservation Relies on ‘Hempcrete’If not hemp, try paper:
Papercrete, fibrous cement, and
paper adobe are remarkably
inexpensive building materials utilizing recycled paper and cardboard.
I think there should be an entire
village of '
crete' structures.
Until later...see ya mid August, if not before.
posted by Cyndy
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