mousemusings...multimedia, music, progressive politics, video, web design and general rants
Human beings will be happier - not when they cure cancer or get to Mars or eliminate racial prejudice or flush Lake Erie but when they find ways to inhabit primitive communities again. That's my utopia.
~Kurt Vonnegut
Friday, October 29, 2004

Caging Democracy

caged, cag·ing, cag·es

To put or confine in or as if in a cage.
1. A structure for confining birds or animals, enclosed on at least one side by a grating of wires or bars that lets in air and light.
2. A barred room or fenced enclosure for confining prisoners.

"It Will Be Worse Than in 2000"
NAACP head Julian Bond says the GOP is going all out to suppress the black vote. Can his "Election Protection" offensive stop them?

NAACP Faces IRS Investigation

As so much in the past three years, how effective could this possibly be? Perhaps the better question is who would it benefit? Bush Seeks Limit to Suits Over Voting Rights

'Caging' lists: God Help us if the Democrats Find Out
More details about "Caging" and what the Republicans have planned to do.
Of course, there is this flyer being passed around Milwaukee black neighborhoods.
Time was when Republicans were at least embarrassed by their efforts to keep African-Americans from the polls

Outrage is entirely justified.
All, an attempt at subtle and not-so-subtle attempts at intimidation, misinformation and suppression. This is America? I ask again, if we can't get it right here, who are we to be imposing freedom on others?

Why the harrassment? Marc Ash has an idea:
African America to the Rescue
The idea of an African American voting still strikes fear in the hearts of many Americans. The notion that such irrational fear only existed in the deep south is another myth. What's happening today in Cleveland, Ohio is not very different from what happened in Birmingham, Alabama in 1960. The violence is muted but intimidation and exclusion are still fair game.

To lighten things up a bit as you're thinking, here is Where Art and Democracy Collide:
The Voting Booth Project artists and designers transform actual Votomatic booths. On display Oct 8 - Dec 5 Gallery at 2 West 13th Street NYC
posted by Cyndy | link | | |


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