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Human beings will be happier - not when they cure cancer or get to Mars or eliminate racial prejudice or flush Lake Erie but when they find ways to inhabit primitive communities again. That's my utopia.
~Kurt Vonnegut
Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Big and Small, Up is Down

I have little to say about the debate. I had a tough time trying to follow anything Bush said as I was more attuned to his mannerisms, his smirk of denial, and all that annoying blinking. I noticed some of the jaw clenching that Nick indicated might be a side effect of Adderall, (and I do think Nick nailed that), but mostly I was trying to see if I could spot words or phrases that might be a repetitive code pandering to his fundamental base.
Here are two phrases I think have a bit more meaning above simple sound bites:
"armies of compassion"
"freedom on the march"
both a bit of his consistent Orwellian speak, with references to what, I have no clue.

Now, with that small observation out of the way, it's time to go after the big issue of the day, the Sinclair Broadcast Group.

Kevin has an update and some good base research, especially regarding the underlying reasons for Sinclair to push it's partisan bashing at this particular point in time, which in reality affects everyone, partisanship aside. "It is an ultimate effort to protect itself from greater FCC scrutiny and FCC efforts to limit consolidations like Sinclair possesses" thereby leaving Sinclair and other media outlets unaccountable and free to be irresponsible and manipulative. "A Kerry victory would likely limit its growth and might even force it to divest some of its stations."

I have yet to wade through the links Kevin provides, but this is much more than simply roaring against the airing of a sloppy Kerry bash.
Yes Bob, I'm trying to persuade you! (and anyone else who thinks this is just a partisan issue) Go read! I just touch the tip of what Kevin has found. His post extends to Jesse Jackson’s Rainbow Coalition/PUSH and their ongoing fight, bigger madia players than Sinclair, and groups poised to fight this continued expansion of big media. We can't allow what regulations of media manipulation remain to be blatantly disregarded and crushed.
posted by Cyndy | link | | |


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