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Human beings will be happier - not when they cure cancer or get to Mars or eliminate racial prejudice or flush Lake Erie but when they find ways to inhabit primitive communities again. That's my utopia.
~Kurt Vonnegut
Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Underestimating Radical Ideology; Don't.

George Lakoff writes: "On the whole, the right wing is attempting to impose a strict father ideology on America, and ultimately, the rest of the world. Although the details vary somewhat with the type of conservative, there are general tendencies. Many progressives underestimate just how radical an ideology this is."

The RNC understands and doesn't underestimate at all, especially when they want to influence the evangelical vote. Follows are some insights into how evangelicals are being manipulated and are becoming the foot soldiers in this divisive unAmerican ideology.

The father of Ben Isenberg, a soldier who died Sept 13, speaks about the war in
Remembering Sgt. Ben Isenberg. I can understand trying to justify the death of your son, but to glorify Bush as having God in his pocket, fighting a deep spiritual war, is frightening. Listen.

Blondesense points to this artcle: Falwell says evangelicals control GOP, Bush's fate and says, "These people not only don't understand the Bible, they don't understand Judeo-Christian principles, a secular democratic society, what a liberal is and they are totally paranoid."

Indeed. Amplifying the paranoia of the radical right-wing is what's intended. With propaganda pointing to fear at the lowest level and misrepresenting 'liberals, basic human morals are completely forgotten.

Meryl at seeingtheforest writes a bit about the code of fundamentalists, some of the intention behind the recent RNC mailings, why they are effective, and why liberals are regarded as heretics.

Alternet has God is my Co-Author. As if our media wasn't already trying to sway opinion, we now have a month-long summer seminar of the World Journalism Institute, a J-school with a mission to prepare young evangelicals to enter the mainstream media universe whos objectives are to bring “an evangelical or biblical perspective to the newsroom.” Case thinks that evangelicals, seeing the world as they do through the ethical and moral lens of religion, could make much-needed adjustments to journalism’s focus.

Christian Coalition activists set on changing high court
"Never allow the enemy to block you," Thomson urged them. "Get around them, run over the top of them, destroy them -- whatever you need to do so that God's word is the word that is being practiced in Congress, town halls and state legislatures."

I was talking to someone yesterday about the mailings and he told me, "all of this was resolved years ago, no one will fall for that. It's live and let live now."
I afraid he's never lived in the deep south. They will fall for it and they will act. They've been planning for years.

For more links to articles and blogs about George Lakoff's ideas, and to learn how to address these type of issues, see:
Elephant Kicks Ass Now, so the Ass Can Kick Elephant Out in November

posted by Cyndy | link | | |


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