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Human beings will be happier - not when they cure cancer or get to Mars or eliminate racial prejudice or flush Lake Erie but when they find ways to inhabit primitive communities again. That's my utopia.
~Kurt Vonnegut
Saturday, February 08, 2003

A national state of confusion

Our media is failing us. My parents grew up trusting the government. They trusted that the media would alert them to any misdeeds. The government and the press were not one-in-the-same. It's a tough realization for them.
The only lies we were concerned with when Clinton was in office were related to where his dick may have been. Some of us really didn't care.
This Salon article touches on they way our culture has changed rapidly and how we are fed information and how it is digested. For anyone not wanting to go to Salon, lest they be bombarded with *premium content, it's changed. You are able to get a 'day pass' by watching a quick ad. Somehow information has got to be kept free and available. Thank you Salon.

A national state of confusion
article excerpts:

The Bush propaganda machine has convinced Americans that Saddam and the no-longer-mentioned Osama are the same person -- and the polls prove it.

"To the best of your knowledge, how many of the September 11 hijackers were Iraqi citizens?"

Of those surveyed, only 17 percent knew the correct answer: that none of the hijackers were Iraqi. Forty-four percent of Americans believe that most or some of the hijackers were Iraqi; another 6 percent believe that one of the hijackers was a citizen of that most notorious node in the axis of evil. That leaves 33 percent who did not know enough to offer an answer.

"Conditioning has rendered Americans hyper-responsive to emotional and sensory dynamics triggered by the news media, and relatively uninterested in intellectual content. Nobody understands this better than Rupert Murdoch, who has created an empire out of punchy anti-intellectualism. And few understand better how to use it to their advantage than the Bush White House. George W. Bush is, after all, the anti-intellectual's president."

"That the administration and the military of a nation -- even a great democratic nation -- should attempt to use disinformation to manufacture consent for an agenda should come as no surprise, even if it does disappoint and anger. That such an indubitable historical revisionism of 9/11 could occur can be seen as nothing less than a complete and profound failure of the media to protect the American people from virulent propaganda."
posted by Cyndy | link | | |


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